"network": {
"title": "{{hostname}} - Networking",
"context": {
"title": "Networking",
"addPortgroup": {
"title": "Add port group",
"tooltip": "Add a new portgroup"
"addVSwitch": {
"title": "Add standard vSwitch",
"tooltip": "Add a standard virtual switch"
"addVMKNIC": {
"title": "Add VMkernel NIC",
"tooltip": "Add a VMkernel interface"
"tabs": {
"vswitches": {
"title": "Virtual switches",
"toolTip": "Manage the hosts's virtual switches"
"portgroups": {
"title": "Port groups",
"toolTip": "Manage the host's switch portgroups"
"pnics": {
"title": "Physical NICs",
"toolTip": "Manage the host's physical NICs"
"vmknics": {
"title": "VMkernel NICs",
"toolTip": "Manage the host's VMkernel NICs"
"netstacks": {
"title": "TCP/IP stacks",
"toolTip": "Manage the host's TCP/IP stacks"
"firewall": {
"title": "Firewall rules",
"toolTip": "Manage firewall rules"
"monitor": {
"events": {
"tabTitle": "Events",
"tabTooltip": "System events"
"tasks": {
"tabTitle": "Tasks",
"tabTooltip": "Tasks"
"permissions": {
"manage": {
"menu": "Permissions",
"title": "Manage Permissions",
"close": "Close",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"noUsers": "No users",
"addUser": {
"label": "Add User",
"toolTip": "Add a user"
"removeUser": {
"label": "Remove User",
"toolTip": "Remove a user"
"assignRole": {
"label": "Assign Role",
"toolTip": "Assign a role to a user"
"updatePermissions": {
"successNotification": "Successfully updated permissions",
"failureNotification": "Failed to updated permissions: {{error}}"
"columns": {
"user": "User",
"role": "Role"
"usersComboBoxOptions": {
"placeholder": "Select a user"
"rolesComboBoxOptions": {
"placeholder": "Select a role"
"propagateLabel": "Propagate to all children"
"firewall": {
"alt": "Firewall",
"list": {
"columns": {
"name": "Name",
"key": "Key",
"incoming": "Incoming Ports",
"outgoing": "Outgoing Ports",
"protocols": "Protocols",
"daemon": "Daemon",
"service": "Service"
"actionBar": {
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for this ruleset"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for the selected firewall ruleset"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the firewall rules"
"unknownRule": "Unknown FirewallRule",
"rule": "Rule",
"direction": "Direction",
"port": "Port",
"protocol": "Protocol",
"notification": {
"enable": {
"success": "{{name}} ruleset was successfuly enabled.",
"error": "Failed to enable {{name}} ruleset."
"disable": {
"success": "{{name}} ruleset was successfuly disabled.",
"error": "Failed to disable {{name}} ruleset."
"context": {
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit this firewall rule"
"enable": {
"label": "Enable",
"tooltip": "Enable this firewall rule"
"disable": {
"label": "Disable",
"tooltip": "Disable this firewall rule"
"service": {
"label": "Service",
"tooltip": "Modify settings for the service associated with this firewall rule"
"policy": {
"label": "Policy",
"tooltip": "Policy options for the service assocaited with this firewall rule"
"summary": {
"key": "Key",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No",
"required": "Required",
"rules": "Rules",
"package": "Package Information",
"allowedIP": "Allowed IP Addresses",
"all": "All",
"service": "Service",
"portlets": {
"rules": {
"title": "Firewall rules",
"tooltip": "Firewall rules"
"edit": {
"title": "Firewall Settings",
"header": "Allowed IP Addresses",
"allIP": "All connections from all IP addresses",
"selectedIP": "Only allow connections from the following networks:",
"selectedIPInfo": "Select each network with a comma.
Example:,, 2001::1/64, fd3e:29a6:0a81:e478::/64",
"ok": "OK",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"invalidIP": "Please provide a valid IP address"
"vmknic": {
"alt": "VMkernel NIC",
"select": {
"title": "Select a VMkernel interface",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"confirmLabel": "Select",
"loading": "Loading..."
"summary": {
"virtualSwitch": "Virtual switch:",
"portGroup": "Port group:",
"tcpIpConfiguration": "TCP/IP configuration",
"vswitchTopology": "vSwitch topology",
"services": "Services",
"unknownVMKNIC": "Unknown VMkernel NIC",
"ok": "OK",
"portlets": {
"tcpip": {
"netstack": "TCP/IP stack",
"ipv4DHCP": {
"title": "IPv4 DHCP",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled"
"ipv4Address": "IPv4 address",
"ipv4Subnet": "IPv4 subnet",
"ipv6DHCP": {
"title": "IPv6 DHCP",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled"
"ipv6AutoConfig": {
"title": "IPv6 auto-configuration",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled"
"ipv6Addresses": "IPv6 addresses",
"none": "None"
"actionBar": {
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the data for this VMkernel NIC"
"editSettings": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for this VMkernel NIC"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for this VMkernel NIC"
"events": {
"type": "Type:",
"time": "Time:",
"virtualMachine": "Virtual machine:"
"list": {
"grid": {
"name": "Name",
"portgroup": "Portgroup",
"tcpip": "TCP/IP stack",
"services": "Services",
"ipv4": "IPv4 address",
"ipv6": "IPv6 addresses",
"none": "None"
"actionBar": {
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the adapters table"
"add": {
"label": "Add VMkernel NIC",
"tooltip": "Add a VMkernel NIC - under construction"
"editSettings": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for this VMkernel NIC"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for this VMkernel NIC"
"monitor": {
"title": "Monitor",
"tabs": {
"events": {
"label": "Events",
"tooltip": "Events"
"tasks": {
"label": "Tasks",
"tooltip": "Tasks"
"add": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"title": "Add VMkernel NIC",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"ip": {
"ipv4": "IPv4 only",
"ipv6": "IPv6 only",
"both": "IPv4 and IPv6"
"vswitch": {
"label": "Select a virtual switch"
"dialog": {
"create": "Create",
"validation": {
"nic": "Please provide a name for the new port group",
"vswitch": "Please select a virtual switch for the port group",
"vlanId": "Please provide a VLAN ID, the value must be between {{min}} and {{max}}",
"ipv4": "Please provide an IPv4 address and subnet",
"portgroupExists": "A port group with the name {{name}} already exists, choose another name"
"notification": {
"success": "VMkernel NIC {{name}} was successfully created",
"error": "Failed to create new VMkernel NIC"
"edit": {
"title": "Edit settings - {{name}}",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"confirmLabel": "Save",
"loading": "Loading...",
"ip": {
"ipv4": "IPv4 only",
"ipv6": "IPv6 only",
"both": "IPv4 and IPv6"
"vswitch": {
"label": "Select a virtual switch"
"dialog": {
"create": "Create",
"validation": {
"portgroup": "The portgroup associated with this VMkernel NIC does not exist",
"vswitch": "Please select a virtual switch for the port group",
"ipv4": "Please provide an IPv4 address and subnet"
"notification": {
"success": "Configuration for VMkernel NIC {{name}} was saved",
"error": "Failed to save configuration for VMkernel NIC {{name}}"
"context": {
"remove": {
"label": "Remove",
"tooltip": "Remove this VMkernel NIC"
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit settings for this VMkernel NIC",
"tooltipDVS": "Can't edit VMkernel NICs attached to distributed portgroups"
"remove": {
"title": "Remove VMKNIC - {{name}}",
"confirmLabel": "Confirm",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"successNotification": "Successfully removed VMkernel NIC {{name}}",
"failureNotification": "Failed to remove VMkernel NIC {{name}}",
"confirmation": "Removing a VMkernel NIC makes all services that use it unavailable.\n\nRemove {{name}}?"
"settings": {
"services": {
"vSphereProvisioning": {
"label": "Provisioning"
"vMotion": {
"label": "vMotion"
"vmotion": {
"label": "vMotion"
"faultToleranceLogging": {
"label": "Fault tolerance logging"
"management": {
"label": "Management"
"vSphereReplication": {
"label": "Replication"
"vSphereReplicationNFC": {
"label": "NFC replication"
"vsan": {
"label": "vSAN"
"vsanWitness": {
"label": "vSAN witness"
"portGroup": {
"label": "Port group",
"newPortGroup": "New port group",
"vlandId": "VLAN ID",
"ipVersion": {
"label": "IP version"
"ipv4": {
"label": "IPv4 settings",
"dhcp": {
"label": "Configuration",
"dhcp": "DHCP",
"static": "Static"
"address": "Address",
"subnetMask": "Subnet mask"
"ipv6": {
"label": "IPv6 settings",
"clickExpand": "Click to expand",
"dhcpv6": {
"label": "DHCPv6",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled"
"autoConfig": {
"label": "Auto-configuration",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
"staticAddresses": {
"label": "Static addresses",
"addAddress": "Add address",
"placeholder": {
"address": "address",
"prefix": "prefix"
"vSwitch": {
"label": "Virtual switch"
"tcpip": {
"label": "TCP/IP stack"
"services": {
"label": "Services",
"vMotion": "vMotion"
"vswitch": {
"alt": "Virtual switch",
"context": {
"addUplink": {
"title": "Add uplink",
"tooltip": "Add an uplink to this virtual switch"
"editSettings": {
"title": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit settings for this virtual switch"
"remove": {
"title": "Remove",
"tooltip": "Remove virtual switch",
"tooltipDVS": "Removing distributed switches can only be done from vCenter Server"
"summary": {
"type": "Type:",
"virtualSwitch": "Virtual switch:",
"portGroups": "Port groups:",
"uplinks": "Uplinks:",
"vswitchDetails": "vSwitch Details",
"vswitchTopology": "vSwitch topology",
"portlet": {
"mtu": "MTU",
"ports": "Ports",
"link": "Link discovery",
"attached": "Attached VMs",
"beacon": "Beacon interval",
"available": "available",
"active": "active",
"linkDiscovery": {
"mode": {
"listen": "Listen",
"advertise": "Advertise",
"both": "Both",
"none": "None"
"protocol": {
"label": "Protocol",
"lldp": "Link-level discovery protocol (LLDP)",
"cdp": "Cisco discovery protocol (CDP)"
"dialog": {
"title": "Unknown vSwitch"
"actionBar": {
"addUplink": {
"label": "Add uplink",
"tooltip": "Add a new physical uplink to a virtual switch"
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for this virtual switch"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the adapters table"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for selected objects in this list"
"list": {
"grid": {
"name": "Name",
"portgroups": "Port groups",
"uplinks": "Uplinks",
"type": "Type"
"actionBar": {
"addStandard": {
"label": "Add standard virtual switch",
"tooltip": "Add a new standard virtual switch"
"addUplink": {
"label": "Add uplink",
"tooltip": "Add an uplink (physical NIC) to this virtual switch"
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for this virtual switch"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the list of virtual switches"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for the selected virtual switch"
"events": {
"type": "Type:",
"time": "Time:",
"virtualMachine": "Virtual machine:"
"diagram": {
"loading": "Loading vSwitch topology...",
"noPortgroups": "No portgroups",
"vlanId": "VLAN ID:",
"virtualMachines": "Virtual Machines",
"macAddress": "MAC Address",
"vmKernelPorts": "VMkernel ports",
"noPhysicalAdapters": "No physical adapters",
"physicalAdapters": "Physical adapters"
"monitor": {
"title": "Monitor",
"tabs": {
"events": {
"label": "Events",
"tooltip": "Events"
"tasks": {
"label": "Tasks",
"tooltip": "Tasks"
"noAdapters": "There are no free physical adapters to attach to this virtual switch.",
"remove": {
"title": "Remove virtual switch - {{name}}",
"confirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove the following vSwitches?",
"confirmLabel": "Yes",
"rejectLabel": "No",
"portgroups": "port groups",
"failureNotification": "Failed to remove virtual switch {{name}}",
"successNotification": "Virtual switch {{name}} successfully removed"
"type": {
"dvs": "Distributed vSwitch",
"standard": "Standard vSwitch"
"add": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"title": "Add standard virtual switch - {{name}}",
"titleNoName": "Add standard virtual switch",
"newSwitch": "New switch",
"confirmLabel": "Add",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"security": "Security",
"clickToExpand": "Click to expand",
"promiscuousMode": "Promiscuous mode",
"accept": "Accept",
"reject": "Reject",
"useVswitch": "Inherit from vSwitch",
"macChanges": "MAC address changes",
"forgedTransmits": "Forged transmits",
"linkDiscovery": "Link discovery",
"mode": {
"label": "Mode",
"listen": "Listen",
"advertise": "Advertise",
"both": "Both",
"none": "None"
"protocol": {
"label": "Protocol",
"lldp": "Link-level discovery protocol (LLDP)",
"cdp": "Cisco discovery protocol (CDP)"
"dialog": {
"title": "Can't add uplink",
"ok": "OK",
"create": "Add"
"error": {
"name": "Please provide a valid name for the virtual switch",
"mtu": "Please provide a valid number for the MTU. The maximum number possible is {{max}}, the minimum number possible is {{min}}"
"notification": {
"success": "Virtual switch {{name}} was successfully created",
"error": "Failed to create new virtual switch {{name}}"
"actionBar": {
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for this TCP/IP stack"
"add": {
"label": "Add uplink",
"tooltip": "Add a new physical uplink to a virtual switch"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh this TCP/IP stack"
"edit": {
"loading": "Loading...",
"title": "Edit standard virtual switch - {{name}}",
"titleNoName": "Edit standard virtual switch",
"confirmLabel": "Save",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"dialog": {
"title": "Can't add uplink",
"ok": "OK",
"create": "Create virtual switch"
"error": {
"name": "Please provide a name for the virtual switch",
"duplicate": "Please select unique uplink values."
"notification": {
"success": "Virtual switch {{name}} was successfully saved",
"error": "Failed to save virtual switch {{name}}"
"actionBar": {
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for this TCP/IP stack"
"add": {
"label": "Add uplink",
"tooltip": "Add a new physical uplink to a virtual switch"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh this TCP/IP stack"
"notifications": {
"uplink": {
"message": "This virtual switch has no uplink redundancy.",
"suggested-action": "You should add another uplink adapter."
"settings": {
"vSwitchName": "vSwitch Name",
"mtu": "MTU",
"uplink": "Uplink"
"netstack": {
"alt": "TCP/IP stack",
"names": {
"defaultTcpipStack": "Default TCP/IP stack",
"vSphereProvisioning": "Provisioning stack",
"vmotion": "vMotion stack",
"vxlan": "VXLAN"
"summary": {
"unknownNetstack": {
"title": "Unknown TCP/IP stack"
"key": "Key:",
"configuration": "Configuration",
"dnsConfiguration": "DNS configuration",
"routing": "Routing",
"actionBar": {
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for this TCP/IP stack"
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the configuration of this TCP/IP stack"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh this TCP/IP stack"
"portlets": {
"configuration": {
"ipv6": {
"name": "IPv6"
"cca": {
"name": "Congestion control algorithm"
"maxConnections": {
"name": "Maximum connections"
"vmknics": {
"name": "VMKernel NICs"
"dhcp": {
"name": "DHCP"
"dns": {
"loadingMessage": "Loading DNS configuration...",
"hostName": {
"name": "Host name"
"address": {
"name": "Addresses"
"domainName": {
"name": "Domain name"
"searchDomains": {
"name": "Search domains"
"routing": {
"loadingMessage": "Loading routing tables...",
"ipv4": {
"name": "IPv4",
"value": "Click label to expand",
"routeTable": {
"name": "Routing table",
"list": {
"columns": {
"address": {
"label": "Network address"
"prefixLength": {
"label": "Prefix length"
"gateway": {
"label": "Gateway"
"device": {
"label": "Device"
"ipv6": {
"name": "IPv6",
"value": "Click label to expand",
"routeTable": {
"name": "IPv6",
"localSubnet": "Local subnet",
"list": {
"columns": {
"address": {
"label": "Network address"
"prefixLength": {
"label": "Prefix length"
"gateway": {
"label": "Gateway"
"device": {
"label": "Device"
"events": {
"type": "Type:",
"time": "Time:",
"virtualMachine": "Virtual machine:"
"ipv6": {
"true": "Enabled",
"false": "Disabled"
"dhcp": {
"true": "Enabled",
"false": "Disabled"
"list": {
"columns": {
"name": {
"label": "Name"
"ipv4Gateway": {
"label": "IPv4 gateway"
"ipv6Gateway": {
"label": "IPv6 gateway"
"preferredDNS": {
"label": "Preferred DNS"
"alternateDNS": {
"label": "Alternate DNS"
"actionBar": {
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for the selected TCP/IP stack"
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for this TCP/IP stack"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the TCP/IP stack table"
"context": {
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for this TCP/IP stack"
"edit": {
"title": "Edit TCP/IP configuration - {{displayName}}",
"confirmLabel": "Save",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"basicConfig": {
"label": "Basic DNS configuration",
"title":"Specify how the host should obtain its settings for this TCP/IP stack.",
"useDHCP": {
"label": "Use DHCP DNS services from the following adapter"
"adapter": "Adapter",
"manual": {
"label": "Manually configure the settings for this TCP/IP stack",
"hostName": "Host name",
"domainName": "Domain name",
"primaryDNS": "Primary DNS server",
"secondaryDNS": "Secondary DNS server",
"searchDomains": "Search domains",
"searchDomainsOnePerLine": "One search domain per line"
"routing": {
"title": "Routing",
"ipv4": "IPv4 gateway",
"ipv6": "IPv6 gateway"
"congestionControl": {
"newReno": "New Reno",
"cubic": "CUBIC",
"advancedSettings": {
"title": "Advanced settings",
"congestionControl": "Congestion control algorithm",
"maxNumberConnections": "Maximum number of connections"
"notification": {
"success": "Successfully updated configuration for {{netstack}}",
"failure": "Failed to update configuration for {{netstack}}"
"error": {
"hostName": "Please provide a valid host name, the length must be less than or equal to {{max}}",
"domainName": "Please provide a valid domain name, the length must be less than or equal to {{max}}",
"primaryDNS": "Please provide a valid primary DNS server, the length must be less than or equal to {{max}}",
"secondaryDNS": "Please provide a valid secondary DNS server, the length must be less than or equal to {{max}}",
"searchDomains": "Please provide valid search domains, one per line, no commas.",
"ipv4Gateway": "Please provide a valid IPv4 gateway",
"ipv6Gateway": "Please provide a valid IPv6 gateway",
"maxConnections": "Please provide a number between {{min}} and {{max}} for max connections"
"tcp": {
"congestionControl": {
"newreno": "New Reno",
"cubic": "CUBIC"
"portgroup": {
"alt": "Port group",
"type": {
"Network": "Standard port group",
"DistributedVirtualPortgroup": "Distributed virtual port group",
"Opaque": "Opaque network port group",
"OpaqueNetwork": "Opaque network port group"
"summary": {
"accessible": "Accessible:",
"virtualMachines": "Virtual machines:",
"virtualSwitch": "Virtual switch:",
"vlanId": "VLAN ID:",
"activePorts": "Active ports:",
"vswitchTopology": "vSwitch topology",
"nicTeamingPolicy": "NIC teaming policy",
"offloadPolicy": "Offload policy",
"securityPolicy": "Security policy",
"shapingPolicy": "Shaping policy",
"actions": {
"editSettings": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for this port group"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the adapters table"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for the selected port group"
"events": {
"type": "Type:",
"time": "Time:",
"virtualMachine": "Virtual machine:"
"accessible": {
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"add": {
"title": "Add port group - {{name}}",
"titleNoName": "Add port group",
"newPortgroup": "New port group",
"confirmLabel": "Add",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"loading": "Loading...",
"toolTip": "Add a port group",
"selectVSwitch": "Select a virtual switch",
"missingName": "Please provide a name for the port group",
"invalidName": "Portgroup name may not contain double quotes",
"missingVSwitch": "Please select a virtual switch for the port group",
"badVLANIDRange": "VLAN ID must be between 0 and 4095",
"success": "Port group {{name}} was successfully created",
"failure": "Failed to create new port group {{name}}"
"edit": {
"title": "Edit port group - {{name}}",
"titleNoName": "Edit port group",
"confirmLabel": "Save",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"loading": "Loading...",
"missingName": "Please provide a name for the port group",
"missingVSwitch": "Please select a virtual switch for the port group",
"badVLANIDRange": "VLAN ID must be between 0 and 4095",
"success": "Port group {{name}} was successfully saved",
"failure": "Failed to save port group {{name}}",
"trafficShaping": {
"title": "Traffic shaping",
"policyExceptions": "Policy exceptions",
"status": "Status",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"averageBandwidth": "Average bandwidth",
"peakBandwidth": "Peak bandwidth",
"burstSize": "Burst size",
"kbps": "kb/s",
"kb": "KB",
"clickToExpand": "Click to expand",
"note": {
"title": "Note",
"content": "Traffic shaping policy is applied to the traffic of each virtual network adapter attached to the virtual switch."
"inherit": "Inherit from vSwitch"
"nicTeaming": {
"title": "NIC teaming",
"clickToExpand": "Click to expand",
"loadBalancing": {
"title": "Load balancing",
"loadbalance_ip": "Route based on IP hash",
"loadbalance_srcmac": "Route based on source MAC hash",
"loadbalance_srcid": "Route based on originating port ID",
"failover_explicit": "Use explicit failover order"
"failoverDetection": {
"title": "Network failover detection",
"linkStatus": "Link status only",
"beaconOnly": "Beacon only"
"notifySwitches": {
"title": "Notify switches",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
"failBack": {
"title": "Failback",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
"overrideFailoverOrder": {
"title": "Override failover order",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
"failoverOrder": {
"title": "Failover order",
"override": "Override switch failover order",
"usedAs": "Status",
"standby": "Standby",
"active": "Active",
"unused": "Unused",
"name": "Name",
"speed": "Speed",
"networks": "Networks",
"markAsStandby": {
"label": "Mark standby",
"tooltip": "Mark this physical NIC as standby"
"markAsActive": {
"label": "Mark active",
"tooltip": "Mark this physical NIC as active"
"markAsUnused": {
"label": "Mark unused",
"tooltip": "Mark this physical NIC as unused"
"moveUp": {
"label": "Move up",
"tooltip": "Move this adapter up in the failover order"
"moveDown": {
"label": "Move down",
"tooltip": "Move this adapter down in the failover order"
"inherit": "Inherit from vSwitch"
"remove": {
"title": "Remove port group",
"loading": "Loading...",
"close": "Close",
"confirm": "Remove",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"notification": {
"success": "Portgroup {{name}} removed",
"error": "Failed to remove portgroup {{name}}"
"confirmation": "Remove the following port group?",
"cantRemove": "One or more port groups can't be removed because there are still VMs or VMkernel NICs attached."
"settings": {
"name": {
"title": "Name",
"change": "Changing this port group's name will orphan {{length}} VMs.",
"rename": "You can't rename this port group as it has {{length}} active port"
"vlanId": "VLAN ID",
"vSwitch": {
"label": "Virtual switch",
"change": "You cannot change this port group's vSwitch while there are active ports ({{length}})."
"actions": {
"editSettings": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit this port group"
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the port group list"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for the selected port group"
"remove": {
"label": "Remove",
"tooltip": "Remove this port group"
"list": {
"unknownVLANID": "Unknown",
"columns": {
"name": "Name",
"activePorts": "Active ports",
"vlanId": "VLAN ID",
"type": "Type",
"vswitch": "vSwitch",
"vms": "VMs"
"portlets": {
"summary": {
"loading": "Summary loading...",
"shaping": {
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"teaming": {
"loading": "Teaming policy loading...",
"notify": {
"label": "Notify switches",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"policy": {
"label": "Policy",
"loadbalance_ip": "Route based on IP hash",
"loadbalance_srcmac": "Route based on source MAC hash",
"loadbalance_srcid": "Route based on originating port ID",
"failover_explicit": "Use explicit failover order"
"reverse": {
"label": "Reverse policy",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"rolling": {
"label": "Failback",
"true": "No",
"false": "Yes"
"shaping": {
"averageBandwidth": "Average bandwidth",
"peakBandwidth": "Peak bandwidth",
"burstSize": "Burst size",
"enabled": {
"label": "Enabled",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"offload": {
"loading": "Offload policy loading...",
"checksum": {
"label": "Checksum offload",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"tcpSegmentation": {
"label": "TCP segmentation",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"zeroCopy": {
"label": "Zero-copy transmission",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"security": {
"loading": "Security policy loading...",
"allowPromiscuous": {
"label": "Allow promiscuous mode",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"forgedTransmits": {
"label": "Allow forged transmits",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"macChanges": {
"label": "Allow MAC changes",
"true": "Yes",
"false": "No"
"monitor": {
"title": "Monitor"
"pnic": {
"alt": "Physical NIC",
"summary": {
"linkSpeed": "Link speed:",
"driver": "Driver:",
"macAddress": "MAC address:",
"adapterDetails": "Adapter Details",
"halfduplex": "half duplex",
"fullduplex": "full duplex",
"up": "Up",
"down": "Down",
"dialog": {
"unknown": {
"title": "Unknown PNIC"
"actionBar": {
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the physical adapters table"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for the selected physical adapter"
"editSettings": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for the selected physical adapter"
"portlets": {
"details": {
"pciAddress": "PCI address",
"autoNegotiateSupport": "Auto-negotiate support",
"autoNegotiateEnabled": "Auto-negotiate enabled",
"directPathIOSupport": "Direct-path IO support",
"wakeOnLANSupport": "Wake-on-LAN support",
"supportedSpeeds": "Supported speeds",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"disabled": "Disabled"
"subnets": {
"title": "Discovered Subnets",
"subnet": "Subnet {{x}}"
"lldp": {
"title": "Link-layer Discovery Protocol Details",
"chassisId": "Chassis ID",
"portId": "Port ID",
"timeToLive": "Time to live",
"parameters": "Parameters"
"cdp": {
"title": "Cisco Discovery Protocol Details",
"address": "IP address",
"cdpVersion": "CDP version",
"peerDeviceCapability": {
"label": "Peer device capabilities",
"host": "Host",
"igmpEnabled": "IGMP",
"networkSwitch": "Network switch",
"repeater": "Repeater",
"router": "Router",
"sourceRouteBridge": "Source route bridge",
"transparentBridge": "Transparent bridge"
"devId": "Device ID",
"fullDuplex": "Full duplex",
"hardwarePlatform": "Hardware platform",
"ipPrefix": "IP prefix",
"ipPrefixLen": "IP prefix length",
"location": "Location",
"mgmtAddr": "Management address",
"mtu": "MTU",
"portId": "Port ID",
"samples": "Samples",
"softwareVersion": "Software version",
"systemName": "System name",
"systemOID": "System OID",
"timeout": "Timeout",
"ttl": "Time to live",
"vlan": "VLAN ID"
"edit": {
"confirmLabel": "Save",
"rejectLabel": "Cancel",
"title": "Edit physical NIC - {{nic}}",
"titleNoName": "Edit physical NIC",
"notification": {
"error": "Failed to set physical NIC speed for {{nic}}",
"success": "Successfully updated speed for physical NIC {{nic}}"
"speed": {
"label": "Speed",
"auto": "Auto-negotiate"
"context": {
"edit": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit settings for this physical NIC"
"list": {
"columns": {
"name": "Name",
"driver": "Driver",
"macAddress": "MAC address",
"linkSpeed": "Link speed",
"auto": "Auto-negotiate"
"auto": {
"yes": "Enabled",
"no": "Disabled"
"actionBar": {
"refresh": {
"label": "Refresh",
"tooltip": "Refresh the physical adapters table"
"actions": {
"label": "Actions",
"tooltip": "Actions for the selected physical adapter"
"editSettings": {
"label": "Edit settings",
"tooltip": "Edit the settings for the selected physical adapter"
"monitor": {
"title": "Monitor",
"events": {
"title": "Events",
"tooltip": "Events"
"tasks": {
"title": "Tasks",
"tooltip": "Tasks"
"events": {
"type": "Type:",
"time": "Time:",
"virtualMachine": "Virtual machine:"
"duplex": {
"half": "half duplex",
"full": "full duplex",
"true": "Full",
"false": "Half"
"mbps": "Mbps",
"linkDown": "Link down"
"error": {
"unknownNetwork": "Sorry, the Network '{{moid}}' was not found.",
"unknownPortgroup": "Sorry, the port group '{{moid}}' was not found.",
"unknownVMknic": "Sorry, the VMkernel NIC '{{moid}}' was not found.",
"unknownVSwitch": "Sorry, the vSwitch '{{moid}}' was not found."