{ "vm": { "answer": { "dialog": { "title": "Answer question - {{name}}", "ok": "Answer", "rejectLabel": "Cancel" } }, "autostart": { "unset": "Unset", "change": { "title": "Configure autostart - {{name}}", "rejectLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Save", "waitForHeartbeat": { "label": "Wait for heartbeat", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "systemDefault": "System default" }, "startDelay": { "label": "Start delay", "seconds": "seconds" }, "stopDelay": { "label": "Stop delay", "seconds": "seconds" }, "stopAction": { "label": "Stop action", "systemDefault": "System default", "PowerOff": "Power off", "Suspend": "Suspend", "ShutDown": "Shut down" }, "successNotification": "Autostart configuration for {{name}} was successfully updated", "failureNotification": "Failed to update autostart configuration for {{name}}" } }, "console": { "close": "Close", "actions": "Actions", "showKeyboard": "Show keyboard", "keyboardLayout": "Keyboard layout", "maximize": "Maximize", "fullscreen": "Full screen", "minimize": "Minimize", "shrink": "Shrink", "failedToConnect": "Failed to connect", "resolutionChangeDialog": { "title": "Resolution not changed", "content": "This virtual machine has VMware Tools installed, however a resolution change has not occurred. Do you want to scale this console?", "confirmLabel": "Yes", "rejectLabel": "No" }, "multipleConnectionsNotificationSingle": "Another user has a console session open to this virtual machine", "multipleConnectionsNotificationMultiple": "{{num}} other users have console sessions open to this virtual machine" }, "power": { "powerOffWarning": { "title": "Warning", "content": "Powering off this virtual machine may cause loss of data. Are you sure you want to power off this virtual machine?", "contentMulti": "Powering off one or more of the selected virtual machines may cause loss of data. Are you sure you want to continue?", "rejectLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Yes" }, "resetWarning": { "title": "Warning", "content": "Resetting this virtual machine may cause loss of data. Are you sure you want to reset this virtual machine?", "contentMulti": "Resetting or more of the selected virtual machines may cause loss of data. Are you sure you want to continue?", "rejectLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Yes" } }, "list": { "title": "{{hostname}} - Virtual Machines", "empty": "No virtual machines", "columns": { "name": "Virtual machine", "state": "State", "status": "Status", "provisionedSpace": "Provisioned space", "usedSpace": "Used space", "guest": "Guest OS", "toolsInstalled": "Tools installed", "toolsVersion": "Tools version", "ipAddress": "IP address", "datastore": "Datastore", "hostName": "Host name", "hostCPU": "Host CPU", "hostMemory": "Host memory", "autostartStartOrder": "Autostart order", "autostartStartDelay": "Start delay", "autostartStopDelay": "Stop delay", "autostartStopAction": "Shutdown behavior", "notes": "Notes" }, "quickFilters": { "vmsWithoutTools": "VMs without VMware Tools", "poweredOnVMs": "Powered on VMs", "poweredOffVMs": "Powered off VMs", "suspendedVMs": "Suspended VMs", "vmsParticipatingInAutostart": "VMs participating in Autostart" }, "status": { "normal": "Normal", "warning": "Warning", "inconsistent": "Inconsistent", "question": "Question pending", "invalid": "Invalid" }, "actionBar": { "createRegister": { "label": "Create / Register VM", "tooltip": "Create or register a virtual machine" }, "columns": { "label": "Columns", "tooltip": "Choose columns to display in this table", "contextTitle": "Select columns" }, "console": { "label": "Console", "tooltip": "Open a console for the selected virtual machines" }, "powerOn": { "label": "Power on", "tooltip": "Power on or resume the selected virtual machines" }, "powerOff": { "label": "Power off", "tooltip": "Power off the selected virtual machines" }, "shutDown": { "label": "Shut down", "tooltip": "Perform a graceful shutdown in the selected virtual machines" }, "shutDownSuspended": { "label": "Shut down / Power off", "tooltip": "Shut down or power off the selected virtual machines" }, "suspend": { "label": "Suspend", "tooltip": "Suspend the selected virtual machines" }, "restart": { "label": "Restart", "tooltip": "Restart the selected virtual machines" }, "edit": { "label": "Edit settings", "tooltip": "Edit the settings for the selected virtual machine" }, "refresh": { "label": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the virtual machines table" }, "actions": { "label": "Actions", "tooltip": "Actions for the selected virtual machines" } } }, "attachISO": { "button": { "label": "Select disc image", "tooltip": "Browse for a disc image" }, "dialog": { "title": "Select CD/DVD disc image", "confirmLabel": "Select" }, "failureNotification": "Failed to attach disc image: {{message}}", "successNotification": "Successfully attached disc image {{file}} to CD/DVD device" }, "delete": { "title": "Delete VM - {{name}}", "titleMultiple": "Delete VMs", "confirmLabel": "Delete", "rejectLabel": "Cancel", "failedAtLeastOne": "Failed to delete at least one VM", "ok": "OK" }, "supportBundle": { "menu": { "label": "Generate support bundle", "tooltip": "Generate a support bundle from this VM" } }, "template": { "label": "Template", "convert": { "title": "Convert to template", "label": "Convert to template", "tooltip": "Convert virtual machine into template", "message": "Convert the virtual machine '{{name}}' to a template?", "ok": "Convert", "rejectLabel": "Cancel" } }, "permissions": { "manage": { "menu": "Permissions", "title": "Manage permissions", "header": "Assign users and roles for ", "close": "Close", "cancel": "Cancel", "noUsers": "No users", "addUser": { "label": "Add user", "toolTip": "Add a user", "header": "Add user for " }, "removeUser": { "label": "Remove user", "toolTip": "Remove a user" }, "assignRole": { "label": "Assign role", "toolTip": "Assign a role to a user", "header": "Set permissions for " }, "updatePermissions": { "successNotification": "Successfully updated permissions", "failureNotification": "Failed to updated permissions: {{error}}" }, "columns": { "user": "User", "role": "Role" }, "usersComboBoxOptions": { "placeholder": "Select a user" }, "rolesComboBoxOptions": { "placeholder": "Select a role" }, "propagateLabel": "Propagate to all children", "groupLabel": "Add as group" } }, "snapshot": { "consolidate": { "menu": "Consolidate disks", "consolidationComplete": "Disk consolidation for VM {{name}} has completed", "consolidationFailed": "Disk consolidation for VM {{name}} has failed: {{reason}}" }, "take": { "menu": "Take snapshot", "title": "Take snapshot for {{name}}", "takeSnapshot": "Take snapshot", "name": "Name", "description": "Description", "memory": "Snapshot the virtual machine's memory.", "quiesce": "Quiesce guest file system (needs VMware tools installed).", "ok": "OK", "cancel": "Cancel", "notification": { "success": "Snapshot '{{title}}' successfully created on virtual machine {{vmName}}", "error": "Failed to create snapshot '{{title}}' on virtual machine {{vmName}}" } }, "edit": { "notification": { "error": "Failed to save changes on snapshot '{{name}}'." } }, "revertLatest": { "menu": "Restore latest snapshot", "title": "Restore latest snapshot", "content": "Current state of the virtual machine will be lost unless it is saved in a snapshot. Revert to latest (most recent) snapshot?", "revert": "Restore", "cancel": "Cancel", "notification": { "success": "Virtual machine {{name}} successfully restored to latest snapshot", "error": "Failed to restore virtual machine {{name}} to latest snapshot" } }, "revert": { "menu": "Restore snapshot", "title": "Restore snapshot", "content": "Current state of the virtual machine will be lost unless it is saved in a snapshot. Restore snapshot '{{title}}'?", "revert": "Restore", "cancel": "Cancel", "notification": { "success": "Virtual machine {{name}} successfully restored to snapshot '{{title}}'", "error": "Failed to restore virtual machine {{name}} to snapshot '{{title}}'" } }, "delete": { "menu": "Delete snapshot", "title": "Delete snapshot", "content": "Are you sure you want to delete the snapshot '{{title}}'?", "ok": "Remove", "removeChildren": "Remove all children snapshots.", "cancel": "Cancel", "notification": { "success": "Snapshot '{{title}}' successfully deleted.", "error": "Failed to delete snapshot '{{title}}'." } }, "deleteAll": { "menu": "Delete all snapshots", "title": "Delete all snapshots", "content": "This will consolidate and remove all snapshots for this virtual machine. The snapshots will be consolidated to a single disk. Do you want to continue?", "ok": "Remove", "cancel": "Cancel", "notification": { "success": "All snapshots from virtual machine '{{name}}' were successfully deleted.", "error": "Failed to delete all snapshots from virtual machine '{{name}}'." } }, "manage": { "menu": "Manage snapshots", "notitle": "Manage snapshot", "title": "Manage snapshots - {{name}}", "name": "Name", "description": "Description", "created": "Created", "diskUsage": "Disk Usage", "console": "Console", "here": "You are here", "edit": "Edit", "take": { "label": "Take snapshot", "tooltip": "Save the exact state of the virtual machine, so you can restore it later." }, "restore": { "label": "Restore snapshot", "tooltip": "Restore your virtual machine to the state of the selected snapshot." }, "delete": { "label": "Delete snapshot", "tooltip": "Delete the selected snapshot." }, "deleteAll": { "label": "Delete all", "tooltip": "Delete all snapshots." }, "edit": { "label": "Edit snapshot", "tooltip": "Edit the selected snapshot." }, "refresh": { "label": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh" }, "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "close": "Close" } }, "compatibility": { "upgrade": { "label": "Upgrade VM Compatibility", "tooltip": "Upgrade Virtual Machine Compatibility", "rejectLabel": "Cancel", "configure": { "title": "Configure VM Compatibility", "header": "Select a compatibility for {{name}} upgrade.", "label": "Upgrade VM hardware to selected version", "message": "{{version}}.", "ok": "Upgrade" }, "notifications": { "success": "Successfully upgraded virtual machine {{name}}", "failure": "Failed to upgrade virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}" }, "confirm": { "title": "Confirm VM Compatibility Upgrade", "message": "This operation changes the compatibility of your virtual machine. It is an irreversible operation that makes your virtual machine incompatible with earlier versions of VMware software products. Make a backup copy of your virtual machine files before proceeding. Upgrade your compatibility?", "ok": "Yes", "cancel": "No" } } }, "notes": { "dialog": { "title": "Edit notes - {{name}}.", "titleNoVM": "Edit notes", "ok": "Save", "rejectLabel": "Cancel" }, "title": "Edit the notes for {{name}}.", "more": "More", "less": "Less", "edit": "Edit notes", "save": "Save notes", "cancel": "Cancel" }, "summary": { "dialog": { "unknown": { "title": "Unknown VM", "ok": "OK" } }, "screen": { "refresh": "Refresh console screen shot" }, "unknown": "Unknown", "general": { "label": "General Information", "title": "General Information", "vmScreen": "Click to open a browser console to this virtual machine", "vmTemplateScreen": "Virtual machine screen logo", "cpu": { "name": "CPU" }, "networking": { "name": "Networking", "ipAddresses": "IP addresses", "hostName": "Host name" }, "notes": "Notes", "vmwareTools": { "name": "VMware Tools", "info": { "installed": "Installed", "notInstalled": "Not installed", "guestManaged": "Guest managed", "version": "Version", "running": "Running" }, "actionBar": { "action": { "label": "Actions", "tooltip": "Actions for selected objects in this list" } } }, "storage": { "name": "Storage", "disk": "disk", "disks": "disks", "info": { "guestDisks": "Guest Disks", "noGuestDisks": "Guest disk information not available", "diskPath": "Disk path", "capacity": "Capacity", "free": "Free" } } }, "perf": { "label": "Performance summary last hour", "title": "Performance summary, last hour", "loading": "Loading...", "noData": "No performance data available", "chart": { "xAxis": "Time", "y1Axis": "Consumed host CPU / Ready (%)", "y2Axis": "Consumed host memory (GB)", "cpu": "Consumed host CPU", "ready": "Ready", "rightAxis": " (right axis)", "memory": "Consumed host memory" } }, "noNetworkInfo": "No network information", "hardware": { "label": "Hardware Configuration", "title": "Hardware Configuration", "vbsEnabled": "VBS", "vvtdEnabled": "IOMMU", "pmem": "Persistent Memory", "cpu": { "cpu": "CPU", "cores": "CPU Cores", "sockets": "Sockets", "coreSocket": "Core per Socket", "memory": "Memory", "vbs": "VBS" }, "disk": { "backing": "Backing", "capacity": "Capacity", "thinProvisioned": "Thin provisioned", "controller": "Controller", "deviceName": "Device UUID", "compatibility": { "label": "Compatibility mode", "virtualMode": "Virtual", "physicalMode": "Physical" }, "mode": { "label": "Mode", "persistent": "Dependent", "independent_nonpersistent": "Independent non-persistent", "independent_persistent": "Independent persistent" } }, "cdrom": { "backing": "Backing", "connected": "Connected", "controller": "Controller" }, "serial": { "backing": "Backing", "connected": "Connected", "concentrator": "Concentrator" }, "parallel": { "backing": "Backing", "connected": "Connected" }, "usb": { "controller": "USB controller" }, "usbDevice": { "label": "USB device", "connected": "Connected", "disconnected": "Disconnected" }, "sound": { "label": "Sound card", "ensoniq1371": "Ensoniq 1371", "soundBlaster16": "Sound Blaster 16" }, "floppy": { "connected": "Connected", "notConnected": "Not connected" }, "video": { "totalMemory":"Total video memory", "numDisplays":"Number of displays", "3dGraphics":"3D Graphics", "3dRenderer":"3D Renderer", "3dMemory":"3D Memory", "automatic": "Automatic", "software": "Software", "hardware": "Hardware", "enabled": "Enabled", "disabled": "Disabled" }, "network": { "networkAdapter": "Network adapter", "connected": "Connected", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "network": "Network", "macAddress": "MAC address", "passThrough": "Pass-through (Direct-path I/O)" }, "others": { "others": "Others", "additionalHw": "Additional Hardware", "scsiAdapters": "SCSI Adapters", "nvmeAdapters": "NVMe Adapters", "controllers": "Controllers", "inputDevices": "Input Devices" } }, "resource": { "label": "Resource Consumption", "title": "Resource Consumption", "activeGuestMemory": "Active guest memory", "consumedHostMemory": "Consumed host memory", "consumedHostCPU": "Consumed host CPU", "storage": "Storage", "uncommitted": "Uncommitted", "provisioned": "Provisioned", "notShared": "Not-shared", "used": "Used" }, "actionBar": { "console": { "label": "Console", "tooltip": "Open a console to this virtual machine" }, "monitor": { "label": "Monitor", "tooltip": "Monitor this virtual machine" }, "powerOn": { "label": "Power on", "tooltip": "Power on this virtual machine" }, "powerOff": { "label": "Power off", "tooltip": "Power off this virtual machine", "tooltipWarnSuspended": "This virtual machine is currently suspended. Powering it off may cause data loss in the guest", "tooltipWarnPoweredOn": "This virtual machine is currently powered on. Powering it off may cause data loss in the guest" }, "reset": { "label": "Reset", "tooltip": "Reset this virtual machine", "tooltipWarnSuspended": "This virtual machine is currently suspended. Resetting it may cause data loss in the guest", "tooltipWarnPoweredOn": "This virtual machine is currently powered on. Resetting it may cause data loss in the guest" }, "shutDown": { "label": "Shut down", "tooltip": "Perform a graceful shut down within in the guest OS of this Virtual Machine" }, "suspend": { "label": "Suspend", "tooltip": "Suspend this virtual machine" }, "resume": { "label": "Resume", "tooltip": "Resume this virtual machine" }, "restart": { "label": "Restart", "tooltip": "Restart this virtual machine" }, "editSettings": { "label": "Edit", "tooltip": "Edit this virtual machine's settings" }, "refresh": { "label": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh this virtual machine's summary" }, "actions": { "label": "Actions", "tooltip": "Actions for this virtual machine" } } }, "manage": { "title": "{{name}} - Manage" }, "monitor": { "tabs": { "performance": { "label": "Performance", "tooltip": "Performance" }, "events": { "label": "Events", "tooltip": "Events" }, "tasks": { "label": "Tasks", "tooltip": "Tasks" }, "logs": { "label": "Logs", "tooltip": "Logs" }, "notifications": { "label": "Notifications", "tooltip": "Notifications" } }, "title": "{{name}} - Monitor", "logs": { "tabTitle": "Logs", "tabTooltip": "View system logs", "failedToLoad": "Failed to load log {{log}}", "noLogSelected": "No log selected", "actionBar": { "actions": { "label": "Actions", "tooltip": "Actions for the selected log file" }, "openInNewWindow": { "label": "Open in new window", "tooltip":"Open this log in a new window" }, "refresh": { "label": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh the selected log file" } }, "list": { "columns": { "log": "Log", "size": "Size" } } }, "performance": { "tabTitle": "Performance", "tabTooltip": "Monitor the system's performance", "poweredOff": "VM is powered off", "grid": { "name": "Name", "unit": "Unit", "average": "Average", "maximum": "Maximum", "minimum": "Minimum", "latest": "Latest" }, "actionBar": { "refresh": { "label": "Refresh", "tooltip": "Refresh chart" }, "actions": { "label": "Actions", "tooltip": "Actions for the selected virtual machines" } }, "dataAvailability": { "signpost": { "title": "Data availability", "message": "Why is 'Last hour' the only data range available? ESXi hosts store historical data only for the last hour. To see a larger range of data, you need to use vCenter Server." } }, "filter": { "type": "Filter type", "cpuFilter": "CPU Filter", "time": "Time" }, "charts": { "cpu": { "usage": { "dropdownTitle": "CPU", "allDropdownTitle": "All", "hostDropdownTitle": "Host", "allCoresDropdownTitle": "All PCPUs", "allPackagesDropdownTitle": "All packages", "seriesLabel": "PCPU {{core}}", "packageSeriesLabel": "Package {{pkg}}", "y1AxisLabel": "Consumed host CPU / ready (%)", "x1AxisLabel": "Time", "x2AxisLabel": "Time", "ready": "Ready" } }, "memory": { "usage": { "dropdownTitle": "Memory", "seriesLabel": "Consumed host memory", "y1AxisLabel": "Consumed host memory (GB)", "x1AxisLabel": "Time", "x2AxisLabel": "Time" } }, "disk": { "usage": { "dropdownTitle": "Disk", "y1AxisLabel": "Disk read/write rate (MB/s)", "y2AxisLabel": "Latency (ms)", "aggregateSeriesLabel": "Disk I/O rate (Aggregated)", "readRateSeriesLabel": "Total read rate", "writeRateSeriesLabel": "Total write rate", "maxLatencySeriesLabel": "Maximum latency", "x1AxisLabel": "Time" } }, "network": { "usage": { "dropdownTitle": "Network", "usageSeriesLabel": "Total network usage", "transmitSeriesLabel": "Total transmit rate", "receiveSeriesLabel": "Total receive rate", "y1AxisLabel": "Transmit / Receive rate (mbps)", "y2AxisLabel": "Number", "xAxisLabel": "Time" } }, "scale": { "lastHour": "Last hour" } } }, "events": { "type": "Type", "time": "Time", "virtualmachine": "Virtual machine", "noEvents": "No events" }, "tasks": { "alt": "Task", "key": "Key", "noTasks": "No tasks", "description": "Description", "host": "This host", "state": "State" }, "notifications": { "suggested": "Suggested action:", "noNotification": "No notifications", "unknownState": { "message": "This virtual machine is in an unknown state.", "suggested-action": "Power cycling the VM or restarting the hostd agent on the ESXi host may help." }, "guestOther": { "message": "The guest OS for this virtual machine is currently set to 'Other'.", "suggested-action": "You should specify the correct guest OS to allow for guest-specific optimizations and to enable installation of VMware Tools." }, "guestMismatch": { "message": "The configured guest OS ({{assigned}}) for this virtual machine does not match the guest that is currently running ({{reported}}).", "suggested-action": "You should specify the correct guest OS to allow for guest-specific optimizations." }, "VmDiskConsolidationNeeded": { "message": "This virtual machine needs to have its disks consolidated.", "suggested-action": "You should consolidate disks to improve performance and optimize disk utilization." }, "questionPending": { "message": "This VM has a pending question that needs to be answered.", "suggested-action": "Answer the question to complete the power on operation." }, "orphanedNetwork": { "message": "This VM is attached to a network portgroup {{name}} that doesn't exist.", "suggested-action": "Edit this VM and attach it to a different network." }, "toolsNotInstalled": { "message": "VMware Tools is not installed in this virtual machine.", "suggested-action": "VMware Tools allows detailed guest information to be displayed as well as allowing you to perform operations on the guest OS, e.g. graceful shutdown, reboot, etc. You should install VMware Tools." }, "toolsOld": { "message": "A newer version of VMware Tools is available for this virtual machine.", "suggested-action": "Upgrading VMware Tools may provide improved features and better stability." }, "ftSecondary": { "message": "This virtual machine is acting as a secondary VM in a fault-tolerant pair. You will not be able to perform any configuration on this VM.", "suggested-action": "" } } }, "operations": { "notifications": { "failedToPowerOn": "Failed to power on virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}} Click here for more details.", "failedToPowerOff": "Failed to power off virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}", "failedToRestart": "Failed to reset virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}", "failedToRename": "Failed to rename virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}", "failedToCreate": "Failed to create virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}", "failedToDelete": "Failed to delete virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}", "failedToSaveNotes": "Failed to save notes for virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}", "failedToReconfig": "Failed to reconfigure virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}", "failedToSuspend": "Failed to suspend virtual machine {{name}}. {{reason}}" } }, "banner": { "guestOS": "Guest OS", "compatibility": "Compatibility", "vmwaretools": "VMware Tools", "hostName": "Host name", "cpus": "CPUs", "cpuUsage": "CPU Utilization", "memory": "Memory", "memoryUsage": "Memory usage", "diskUsage": "Disk usage", "metrics": { "cpu": "CPU", "memory": "MEMORY", "storage": "STORAGE" }, "vbsEnabled": "VBS enabled", "vbsNotEnabled": "VBS not enabled" }, "edit": { "title": "Edit settings", "titleWithName": "Edit settings - {{name}}", "rejectLabel": "Cancel", "tabs": { "hardware": { "label": "Virtual Hardware", "tooltip": "Virtual Hardware" }, "options": { "label": "VM Options", "tooltip": "VM Options" } }, "compatibility": "Compatibility:", "save": "Save", "notification": { "info": "Virtual machine {{name}} was successfully reconfigured" }, "powerOptions": { "stop": { "hard": "Power Off", "soft": "Shut Down Guest", "preset": "System Default" }, "pause": { "hard": "Suspend", "soft": "Put Guest on Standby", "preset": "System Default" }, "restart": { "hard": "Reset", "soft": "Restart Guest", "preset": "System Default" } } }, "create": { "new": { "label": "Create a new virtual machine", "description": "This option guides you through creating a new virtual machine. You will be able to customize processors, memory, network connections, and storage. You will need to install a guest operating system after creation." }, "clone": { "label": "Clone an existing VM", "description": "Create a clone of an existing virtual machine" }, "ovf": { "label": "Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file", "description": "This option guides you through the process of creating a virtual machine from an OVF and VMDK files." }, "register": { "label": "Register an existing virtual machine", "description": "This option guides you through registering a virtual machine that already exists on a datastore" } }, "deleteVMConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete the following virtual machines?", "state": { "poweredOn": "Powered on", "poweredOff": "Powered off", "suspended": "Suspended", "undefined": "Unknown" }, "tools": { "state": { "guestToolsBlacklisted": "VMware Tools is installed, but the installed version has a known issue and should be immediately upgraded.", "guestToolsCurrent": "VMware Tools version is compliant.", "guestToolsNeedUpgrade": "VMware Tools is installed, but the version is too old.", "guestToolsNotInstalled": "VMware Tools is not installed.", "guestToolsSupportedNew": "VMware Tools is installed, supported, and newer than the version available on the host.", "guestToolsSupportedOld": "VMware Tools is installed and supported, but a newer version is available on the host.", "guestToolsTooNew": "VMware Tools is installed, but the version is too new to work correctly with this virtual machine.", "guestToolsTooOld": "VMware Tools is installed, but the version is too old.", "guestToolsUnmanaged": "VMware Tools is not managed by vSphere" }, "installed": { "true": "Yes", "false": "No" }, "running": { "guestToolsRunning": "Yes", "guestToolsNotRunning": "No", "guestToolsExecutingScripts": "Starting" } }, "wizard": { "title": "New virtual machine", "registerTitle": "Register virtual machine", "cloneTitle": "Clone virtual machine", "compatibility": "Compatibility", "creationType": { "title": "Select creation type", "description": "How would you like to create a Virtual Machine?", "select": "Select creation type", "warnNestedESXi": "VMware does not support running nested ESXi/ESX servers in production environments. Please see this KB article for more details." }, "basics": { "title": "Select a name and guest OS", "description": "Specify a unique name and OS", "name": { "label": "Enter a name for the virtual machine.", "placeholder": "Name", "desc": "Virtual machine names can contain up to 80 characters and they must be unique within each ESXi instance." }, "desc": "Identifying the guest operating system here allows the wizard to provide the appropriate defaults for the operating system installation.", "compatibility": "Compatibility", "selectOSFamily": "Select Guest OS Family", "guestOSFamily": "Guest OS family", "selectOSVersion": "Select Guest OS Version", "guestOSVersion": "Guest OS version", "osVersion": { "windowsGuest": "Windows", "linuxGuest": "Linux", "darwinGuestFamily": "Mac OS", "solarisGuest": "Solaris", "netwareGuest": "Novel Netware", "otherGuestFamily": "Other" }, "vbs": { "label": "Enable Windows Virtualization Based Security", "signPost": { "title": "Virtualization Based Security", "message": "Makes Hardware virtualization, IOMMU, EFI, and Secure Boot available to the guest OS. You must also enable Virtualization Based Security within the guest OS of this virtual machine" } }, "validation": { "emptyName": "Please provide a name for the virtual machine.", "invalidName": "The virtual machine's name cannot contain double quote, colon or slash characters", "nameSize": "The virtual machine's name should be between {{min}} and {{max}} characters. The current length is {{length}}. Please revise the name.", "guestOSFamily": "Select a Guest OS Family.", "guestOSVersion": "Select a Guest OS Version.", "existingName": "A virtual machine or template with the same name exists in this host. Enter a new name." }, "resetWarning": "Changes to Compatibility or OS settings will reset the new VM configuration" }, "storage": { "title": "Select storage", "description": "Select the storage type and datastore", "desc": "Select a datastore for the virtual machine's configuration files and all of its' virtual disks.", "pmemDesc": { "warning": "This virtual machine's disks will be located on persistent memory.", "action": "Please choose a datastore to store the VM's configuration files." }, "tabs": { "standard": "Standard", "pmem": "Persistent Memory" }, "policy": { "default": "Datastore Default", "vvol": "VVol No Requirements Policy", "vsan": "Virtual SAN Default Storage Policy" }, "grid": { "name": "Name", "capacity": "Capacity", "free": "Free", "type": "Type", "thinProvisioning": "Thin provisioning", "access": "Access" }, "validation": { "datastore": "Select a datastore in which to store the virtual machine files." }, "status": { "ova": "Extracting OVA, this could take some time...", "ovf": "Reading OVF data...", "ovfHasCompressedDisks": "The VM you are trying to deploy contains compressed disk images. Host Client is currently not able to deploy VMs that contain compressed disk images. Please consider using OVFTool or vCenter Server to deploy this VM." } }, "hardware": { "title": "Customize settings", "description": "Configure the virtual machine hardware and virtual machine additional options", "tabs": { "virtualhardware": { "label": "Virtual Hardware", "tooltip": "Virtual Hardware" }, "vmoptions": { "label": "VM Options", "tooltip": "VM Options" } }, "virtualhardware": { "managedVC": "As this host’s resources are being managed by vCenter Server, some configuration options are disabled. If you wish to change this VM’s resource settings, please do so from vCenter Server.", "signpost": "The virtual CPUs available to a virtual machine depend on the number of licensed CPUs on the host and the number of CPUs supported by the guest OS. To use the VMware multicore virtual CPUs feature, you must be in compliance with the requirements of the guest operating system EULA.", "virtualizationSignpost": "Enables full CPU virtualization by exposing hardware assisted virtualization features of the underlying processor to this guest operating system.", "schedulingAffinitySignPost": "
Select logical processor affinity for this virtual machine.
Use \"-\" for ranges and \",\" to separate values. For example, \"0, 2, 4-7\" would indicate processors 0, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Clear the string to remove affinity settings.
", "cpuMMUSignPost": "ESXi can automatically determine if a virtual machine should use hardware support for virtualization based on the processor type and the virtual machine. However for some workloads, overriding the automatic selection can provide better performance.
Note: If a selected setting is not supported by the host or conflicts with existing virtual machine settings, the setting is ignored and the \"Automatic\" selection is used.
", "cpuMMUSignPost67": "ESXi can automatically determine if a virtual machine should use hardware support for virtualization based on the processor type and the virutal machine. However, for some workloads, overriding the automatic selection can provide better performance.
Software CPU and Software MMU are no longer supported options starting from ESX 6.7. These options will only be considered when the VM is vMotioned to an ESX 6.5 host or earlier.
Note: If a selected setting is not supported by the host or conflicts with existing virtual machine settings, the setting is ignored and the \"Automatic\" selection is used.
The following are descriptions for virtual machine parameters: